Principle's Desk

Derabis College, Derabish has been a niche in the realm of higher education through its academic excellence for the last Forty Three Years, Placed on the heart of Derabis and guarded by Hari Shankar Temple, Ganesh Temple, Maa Basanti Thakurani Temple and above all Dadhi Bamanjew Temple. The college itself has turned into a temple of learning with its indelible and unmistakable stamps of holistic development on the society as a whole. Basing on a learning environment, the College has been providing an opportunity for the young and aspiring learners to dive into the portals of Higher Education since its inception. Despite its rural set up, the college has already become a kind of ray for the poor and meritorious students of this area. So as to speak, it has quenched their thirst for becoming right kind of citizens through its sincere, dedicated and consistent initiatives. Our objective is to help the students to realize their strength and work hard to overcome the challenges of life.

Chandra Sekhar Nayak
Reader in Economics

About the College

Each and every institution has its own history. The history of Derabis College dates back to the year 1981 when some enlightened minds of this locality thought about the setting up a College in such a remote and underdeveloped area like Derabis with a mission and vision of providing a sphere of higher education. Their idea of establishing a centre of higher education has been a magical spirit for the then enterprising locals. Because, despite the mushrooming growth of a number of M.E. Schools and high Schools this area was once lacking Higher Education facility. This was the real problem that hovered over the heads of many a gentleman, educationist, organizer, social worker and freedom fighter of this locality. For the fulfillment of their long cherished dream a public meeting was convened at Derabish High School under the chairmanship of Sri Sadananda Bedanta, a patron of Higher Education for the purpose of opening of a College in order to cater the Higher Educational needs of the local people and the conception of Derabis College took place in that meeting.

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