Code Of Conduct

College Rule and Regulations


  1. Each and All students are abided by the certain rule and regulations of college.
  2. Students must come to the college in specify Dress-Code.
  3. Students must bring with them their Identity Card.
  4. As per Higher Education guidelines 75% attendance of each student is essential for appearing the University Exam.
  5. Internal Assessments are mandatory for all students.
  6. Cell Phones are strictly prohibited inside the classroom and college campus.
  7. Students are warried not to de-face the walls by writings, sticking, posters or splitting.
  8. To keep the campus clean, green and polythin free is the prominent duty of all.
  9. In the form of fines, expulsion, rustication for violation of college rules and bad conduct.
  10. Smoking, chewing, consumption of any kind of drug is strictly prohibited.
  11. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and failing this rule, disciplinary actions will be taken against them.
  12. Any kind of harassment of female student is strictly prohibited.


 In the form of fines, expulsion, rustication for violation of college rules and bad conduct


  1. Every faculty member should work within the institutional rules and regulations to fulfil the vision and mission of the college.
  2. All the teachers are expected to work honestly and efficiently with utmost sincerity under the guidance of the principal.
  3. All teachers should be very much punctual for classes and other duties allotted to them by the head of the institution.
  4. All teaching staff should give their biometric attendance by 10 A.M positively.
  5. All faculty members should inspire the student to focus on their learning and to develop their personality and should contribute in community welfare.
  6. The members of teaching faculty must undertake additional duties and responsibilities of conduction Admission, Evaluation, Invigilation, Administrative work and paginating in co curricular & extra-curricular activities.
  7. All teachers should not discriminate students for their religion caste economic social status.
  8. All members are expected not to involve themselves in any form of misconduct. i.e. Verbally or physical.
  9. All teachers are to abide by the prescribed rules and regulation of the Govt. and institution in regard to leave and service conditions.
  10. All teachers should remain vigilant in the college campus for any wrongful activities of students.


  1. All non-teaching staff should rules and regulations of the institution to fulfil Vision & Mission of the college.
  2. All non-teaching staff should work honestly and sincerely under the principal ship of heal of the institution.
  3. All non-teaching staff should give their biometric attendance before 10AM positively and should depart after 5 P.M.
  4. All members are expected to maintain good professional behaviour.
  5. All non-teaching staff should be students friendly.