Vision & Mission


*  To discover the hidden talents and the skills of the rural youths and promote them to meet the Contemporary challenges of life.

*  To impart qualitative higher education to the underprivileged rural local youths with affordable cost and make them easy access for job Opportunities.

* To cultivate leadership quality and to create  individual identity .


*  To make the rural youths to compete themselves globally  and to empower them through higher Education.

*To make the students skilled for their self-improvement and enable them to be self reliant

*To provide a platform to serve themselves  and to serve the society.

*To create the opportunities for research and innovation, creative expression and technological advancement .

*To impart ethical values,integrity and a sense of social responsibility.

The institutional logo comprises of three distinct dynamic features such as the temple, the burning lamp and the open book. It symbolizes that the College aims at imparting knowledge by dispelling darkness in a continuous process keeping in view of the glorious past, the dynamic present and the prosperous future.

  • The TEMPLE stands for the epitome of the centre of learning and spirituality.
  • The OPEN BOOK is the embodiment of dissemination of knowledge.
  • The BURNING LAMP symbolizes dispelling darkness to Light